Policy Influencing

KLMC conducts a series of training workshops across the ASALs for its members at county level.


Policy Influencing

This involves the generation of reliable evidence to lobby and advocate both the county and national governments’ policy makers for the formulation of livestock producers and traders’ favourable / friendly policies. In partnership with some of the ASAL county governments, KLMC has so far formulated legislations that are aimed improving the management of livestock markets/sale yards.

Amendment Bill - 2021

Baringo County Livestock Sales Yard

Isiolo County Sale Yards Regulation

Kajiado County Livestock Sale Yards

Farmers trained on spraying of animals

KLMC has also produced informative policy briefs that have so far influenced the formulation of Livestock Policies, Rangeland Management and Climate adaptation. Due to the inadequate Budgetary Allocation for the Livestock Sub-sector across the pastoral counties, KLMC has undertaken Budget Tracking exercises meant to advocate for increased budgetary allocation for the sector.

County Climate Change Fund Briefs

Amendment Bill - 2021

Isiolo County Sale Yards Regulation

Budget Tracking Policy Briefs

Isiolo Budget Tracking Policy Briefs

Sustainable Infrastructure Practice

To reduce the suffering that both the livestock and pastoralists undergo especially when loading and transporting their livestock from one market to another. KLMC has been constructing or rehabilitating various markets across the country in collaboration with other stakeholders. Additionally, KLMC managed to develop strong sustainable relationships between the county councils and the Livestock Market Associations on market management. “Co-management”.

This is meant to enhance the Private Public Partnership (PPP) which has in turn increased revenue collection for the councils and enhanced community involvement in the management of infrastructure. It
has also increased market promotion, improved security, infrastructure management and information dissemination.

Turkana CLMC Treasurer Mr Jackson lele, takes photo by the completed tannery building

County Government Engagements

Banisa LMA meeting at the sub-county Admin’s office

Banisa LMA meeting at the sub-county Admin’s office

KLMC’s Programmes Manager with the Kitui County Deputy Governor after discussion on the County Livestock Agenda

KLMC’s Programmes Manager with the Kitui County Deputy Governor after discussion on the County Livestock Agenda