Livestock Marketing

KLMC conducts a series of training workshops across the ASALs for its members at county level.


Livestock Marketing

KLMC links its members to both local and international markets. Inorder to enhance marketing strategy for livestock and its products. , KLMC is collaborating with other stakeholders and has developed market information system that provides information to the producers and traders across the counties.
KLMC is undertaking raw data collection in 40 strategic markets on prices and volume. The information is passed at the right time to the producers at the grassroots so that they can make informed decisions on the sale of their livestock. This is intended to cut off the middlemen who exploit the ignorance of livestock producers and also to increase the profit margins for traders in livestock and their product.

Local radio presenter disseminating market information to the locals

Training of market monitors on market information and grading systems

Market Access

Kenya Semi-arid Land Livestock Enhancement Program - KSALES

Kenya Livestock Marketing Council through the support of Kenya Semi-Arid Land Livestock Enhancement Program (KSALES) has implemented a livestock trade and marketing enhancement project In Kitui County where the project renovated 15 livestock markets, 6 slaughter slabs and trained 60 livestock related enterprises on business development and management skills. The strategic objectives of the program were; increasing local agricultural productivity by enhancing farmers’ access to inputs and services and expanding trade of agricultural products through support to livestock producer and marketing associations. This project enhanced livestock trade in terms of the volume of animals traded through improved marketing structures and management practices at the market level. It also improved hygiene within the slaughter slabs and at the same time increased daily incomes for the slab owners as a result of increased slab users.

Launching of Loading Ramp and Shade at Suswa Market Narok County

KFIE- Kenya Feed the Future Innovative Engine

Cattle rustling practices amongst the pastoral communities have had negative impacts on livestock trade and have largely contributed to poor and stagnating lifestyles. Lack of livestock identification and traceability systems have further compounded the problem and contributed to making cattle rustling a lucrative livestock business activity. This has meant the larger population cannot engage in meaningful economic activities. Community livelihood in the county of Turkana is characterized by pasture related conflicts and lack of food; exemplified by a large malnourished population with children and youth suffering most.
In view of the above challenges, Kenya Livestock Marketing Council; with the support of the Kenya Feed the Future Innovative Engine (KFIE) implemented a one year pilot project on Livestock Identification and Traceability System (LITS) to address the challenges and specifically for cattle as a start in Turkana County. The intention of the project was to create a Turkana County livestock database of cattle and cattle owners while tagging animals with tamper proof tags and branding simultaneously. This is a project which was implemented with the support of all the livestock stakeholders at the county.

Market Monitors Training

Training of market monitors on livestock grades, data integrity, accuracy and the methodology of data collection and dissemination

KLMC Programs Manager and Mr. John Makori from the State Department of Livestock in a training session with the monitors

KLMC Programs Manager and Mr. John Makori from the State Department of Livestock in a training session with the monitors

KLMC Programs Manager and Mr. John Makori from the State Department of Livestock in a training session with the monitors